Monday, May 18, 2020

Organizational Culture Of Saginaw Public School - 1007 Words

From going over the problems and possible solutions while considering the participants and the organizational culture of Saginaw Public School District the next step is to come up with a decision. In January of 2013 when the State of Michigan Department of Education wrote a letter to Saginaw Public Schools saying that they had to come up with a definite plan to decrease the deficit the district decided to close one of the middle schools and have both high schools with 8th through 12 grade. The decision was made by Saginaw Public Schools School board members after listening for months about all the solutions that were presented to them. The board members had to hear voices from the community members, parents, and students. The superintendents also were at the meetings and community forums to hear from the community and came up with the plan to add one grade to the high school and close one middle school. Along with closing one middle school two elementary schools will be closed a nd the staff development building to cut expenses. Along with closing the buildings there was also 36 teachers, 6 administrators, 2 counselors, 8 secretaries, and other support staff to save the district an estimated 3.6 million. The board approved of this decision 4-3 and the state of Michigan approved of this budget cut. The next school year Saginaw Public Schools transition into this new plan but they ran into many problems. The first problem which is listed above in table one involved the

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